В примера по-долу извиквам Media Library на WordPress, чрез натискане на картинка.
<script> function getmedia(ident){ // Instantiates the variable that holds the media library frame. var meta_image_frame; // Runs when the image button is clicked. j(function(){ // Prevents the default action from occuring. // e.preventDefault(); // If the frame already exists, re-open it. if ( meta_image_frame ) { meta_image_frame.open(); return; } // Sets up the media library frame meta_image_frame = wp.media.frames.meta_image_frame = wp.media({ // title: meta_image.title, // button: { text: meta_image.button }, library: { type: 'image' } }); // Runs when an image is selected. meta_image_frame.on('select', function(){ // return false; // Grabs the attachment selection and creates a JSON representation of the model. var media_attachment = meta_image_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); // Sends the attachment URL to our custom image input field. document.getElementById("imgc_"+ident).src = media_attachment.sizes.thumbnail.url; //media_attachment.id; имате и id-то на самият attachment (за повече опции, проверете в WordPress документацията) }); // Opens the media library frame. meta_image_frame.open(); }); } </script>
Ето това са картинките, чрез които ще извикваме Media Library и ще заменяме src адреса.
<img src="smiley.gif" id="imgc_1" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42" onclick="getmedia('1');"></br> <img src="smiley.gif" id="imgc_2" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42" onclick="getmedia('2');"></br> <img src="smiley.gif" id="imgc_3" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42" onclick="getmedia('3');">
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